Good Days

The sides of Kalaigar Kappitidu Thittam:-

Everybody in the region of Tamilnadu, both the literates and the uneducated lot knows well about the Kalaigar Kappitidu Thittam as it reached the mass through various propagandas by the ruling party in TN. However, I was the least exposed being as student and recently came to know about the exact figures and fixtures of the policy.

Although being a critic of the genuine democracy of India and TN, I take humble privilege in thanking various chief ministers from Kamaraj to Karunanidhi for the various policies that they introduced in the state. One such great policy is that off is my subject of today.

Two days, I and my friend Josiah were called my professor Mr. Murugesan, Head of Department of HRM at my college. My professor is also an active member of the ruling party DMK. He said” Guys! Go for Meenakshi Mission Hospital and meet a person called Bhupathi, working in MMHRC in Insurance Department and say him that I am Busy and meet you personally in the evening”. He added that we also have a patient named pandiammal from rajapalayam and do necessary favours.

The command made me and my friend as we are bunking the classes. We reached the hospital by bike. Surprised was us, as we can’t meet Mr. Bhupathi there as he has left for a field work. Having no clue what to do, we went for reception and enquired about Mrs. Pandiammal. Again to a surprise, the receptionist stated there is no name such admitted.

We contacted our professor back through our mobile and said the situation is like this. He understood our situation and stated to ask in the Department of Kalaigar Kappitidu Thittam. There was no response again. Almost I was losing my patience. My friend relaxed me and rushed up to Mr. Sundar, Personal Assistant to Founder Chairman Mr. N.Sethuraman. Mr.Sundar talked upon the phone my professor and came to understanding that the patient is Department of Urology. So, we were sent there with a peon sent by Mr. Sundar.

Upon reaching Urology Department, we found the patient that she had fever and diagnosed by doctors that she has stones in the urinary bladder. She was not admitted because they have not paid a penny yet and waiting for Kalaigar Kappitidu Thittam. They don’t money too. The concerned officials it will take one month for the approval to get the policy stating she is eligible. Doctors say she has to be admitted get treatment from hospital and they have insert a tube for overcoming fever. Moreover, tube costs Rs 4000/-. We don’t know what to do again. We called our professor asking what to do. He commanded a single word”Admit”.We admitted. Informing her guardian, we left the hospital saying the only words “Take Care”. My heart beated for long time thinking about them.

Later on the night, I called my professor asking what happened. He said she has been admitted under KKT and operation is on next day.

What a man my professor may be to spend for a unknown person!
Long Live Him!
Long Live the Policy!
With Love,
N.Srivathsa Desikan
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